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Rutgers EIR
Extending the CS Pipeline

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Enhancing Rigor and Relevance in Middle
School Computer Science Education


Bring CS To Middle School

Research shows that computer science education should start well before high school. Equip the next generation of innovators with computer science by integrating computing and computational thinking into middle school. With the Rutgers EIR project, we're here to support you every step of the way. No matter where your school is in its CS journey, we're here to help you set, then exceed, your goals.

Empower Your Students

Computer science education is more than teaching students to use technology, it's teaching them to create technology and design solutions. In middle school, students can use computer science as a tool for collaborative and creative problem-solving. Prepare your students to pursue computer science in high school and beyond to graduate into today's technology driven workforce.


View Resources

Visit the Rutgers EIR Resource Library to access free, ready-to-use materials resulting from this work, including, tools, research articles, presentations, lessons, and more!


Center for Effective School Practices

Graduate School of Education

Rutgers | The State University of New Jersey

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Center for Effective School Practices

Graduate School of Education

A Unit of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Funded by the United States Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Under Grant #S411C200084 

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