You're Invited.
An Opportunity to Grow
Thank you for your interest in the Rutgers EIR project. We're looking for partner middle schools with a passion and commitment to improving rigor and relevance of computer science and computational thinking education. We share your vision of ensuring all students have access to high-quality computer science education and are excited to work alongside your team to make it a reality.

Strategic Planning
With so many curricular options available and the abundance of available professional learning and resources, we understand that it can be challenging to determine the best path forward for your school. We'll work alongside your team to further develop computer science and computational thinking as an integrated, well-articulated piece of your existing curriculum as well as develop and refine a living computer science education two-year action plan which we’ll work with you to carry out.

Individualized Support
Beginning with an intensive half-day working site visit, we'll discuss where you are with CS and where you are going. From there, we'll organize and facilitate quarterly half-day in-person meetings. During these sessions, we'll collaboratively work on moving the work from the action plan forward as well as provide support and professional learning opportunities to your school team. We’ll have the time structured so you have an opportunity to meet with and learn from relevant educators, educational researchers, content experts, computer science faculty, and pedagogical innovators.

Instructional Coaching
We do not require any computer science experience from your school team to participate in the Rutgers EIR project. As we better understand your needs, we will be able to provide small group coaching (virtually and in-person) to target areas for growth where there is need, interest, and availability. Your team will have the opportunity to work directly with computer science faculty, master teachers, and experienced district leaders.

Curated PL Library
More than ever, teachers' and administrators' time is a valuable resource. That's why we provide a curated (and growing) library of tools, processes, lessons, and asynchronous professional learning for your school team to complete anytime, anywhere. Teachers from across subject areas can learn computer science concepts, how they can incorporate computational thinking into their existing instruction, and the most effective classroom practice to promote a classroom of inquiry and growth. Teachers are eligible to receive stipends, badges, and PD hours for their efforts.